胜博发娱乐app下载 is the largest association of retired government employees in the United 状态s and is the primary voice and committed advocate for 北卡罗莱纳’s retired public servants. 目前, 胜博发娱乐app下载倡导以下内容:
Our 胜博发娱乐app下载 宣传 agenda is created every biennium and reviewed annually by 我们的 Board of Directors and 我们的 Government Relations Committee prior to the start of the 大会’s long session. Long sessions occur in odd-numbered years and short sessions in subsequent even-numbered years.
Because the lobbying goals of the association trend around similar issues: healthcare, 养老保险可持续性, 退休人员生活费调整, among others – 我们的 advocacy priorities and goals do not often fluctuate in subject, 但是在主题上. 近年来, achieving progress toward 我们的 advocacy goals has become more complex due to the changing political tides and conflicts that make them increasingly more difficult to accomplish.
胜博发娱乐app下载有一个四人注册团队, contracted lobbyists who are always represented at the 大会. 开会时, 我们参加参众两院的委员会, 跟踪与我们议程相关的法案, 任务, 战略目标, and meet with legislators and staff to promote 胜博发娱乐app下载’s agenda. 培养与立法者的关系, 立法人员, “姐妹”团体和政府机构, 包括州财政办公室, 对游说团队来说最重要的是什么.
Our lobbying team is also prepared to speak to support or oppose legislation of positive or negative consequence for 胜博发娱乐app下载 members.
作为你所在社区的本地声音, you can support 胜博发娱乐app下载 by educating and advocating with state and local leaders in y我们的 community about matters important to retirees across 北卡罗莱纳.
胜博发娱乐app下载 will provide training and talking points to support y我们的 efforts to raise awareness of retirees’ needs with 我们的 local and state elected officials.
当立法机关开会时, y我们的 胜博发娱乐app下载 staff compiles and shares this information through email updates, 这个网站, 我们的 YouTube频道 以及其他社交媒体帖子,并呼吁采取行动. 我们会及时更新这些信息,以便您随时了解情况. The goal is to provide you with the most current information so you are able to make an informative decision as to how to approach legislators to show y我们的 support or opposition on an upcoming issue.
在每次立法会议结束时, y我们的 胜博发娱乐app下载 lobbying team will provide a synopsis of the decisions made during that session. 另外, 我们的团队将分析养老金问题的趋势, cost of living adjustments and other fiduciary matters of importance to 我们的 association members.
Through 我们的 website, we provide the tools to help you contact y我们的 legislators. 通过调用, 写信, 或者发送电子邮件, contacting y我们的 legislators is crucial to 我们的 任务 and goals at 胜博发娱乐app下载. 我们提供有用的提示和大纲, as well as sample letters to help you advocate for the issues in which you believe. You are always welcome to contact 胜博发娱乐app下载 regarding any thoughts or issues you may have or if you have questions, 评论, 或担忧.
Our Government Relations team is the lobbying arm of 胜博发娱乐app下载. Our lobbyists team and Government Relations Committee are responsible for carrying out the advocacy goals and agenda as created and adopted by the 胜博发娱乐app下载 Board of Directors.
The Association is composed of members of 我们的 Board of Directors who are appointed by the President. This Committee is responsible for reviewing proposed legislation, recommending advocacy goals for the Association to the Executive Committee, and working with representatives of the retirement systems and the 大会 to improve legislation to retired local and state governmental employees.
by Paul Woolverton, Jan-April 2024 Living Power A new state law related to the pensions
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Provide us y我们的 email address and phone number so we can provide timely news and exclusive offers from y我们的 association.